Our savings accounts
Whether it's your next holiday, your first home or saving for your future, our simple range of savings accounts can help you reach your goals. And with some of the best interest rates on the high street and no hidden fees or charges, you’ll reach them even faster.
Our savings promise to you – if we increase the interest rate on any of our variable savings accounts, we’ll make sure everyone with that account gets the best rate available, not just new customers.
"You are never too young to save. Start the good habits now."
"Tax-free interest and access to your savings whenever. We also accept transfers."
"Tax-free interest on lump sums or ISA transfers, for 1, 2, 3 or 5 years."
"Get into the savings habit. Having a plan for your savings can make all the difference. Learn how to set a savings goal and commit to making it happen."
"Guaranteed interest rates – paid monthly or yearly – on fixed terms from 1 year to 3 years."
"Save what you want, when you want – with instant access to your cash whenever you need."

Feel free to contact us anytime to make enquiries.